Apiary API design Tool

Updated: June 8, 2020

    Apiary.IO allows you to write an API in 30 minutes. You can share it with your teams, systems integrators, or customers to validate and works in a pilot or previous definition. You can use the API mock to take your API for a spin–without writing any code. Iterate, rinse & repeat.

    This platform is perfect to test the scenarios between Cloudblue Connect and the actors involved.

    Apiary.io have three usefull tools:

    Editor: The Apiary Editor shows a preview of your documentation while providing instant feedback to ensure the correct syntax in your API documentation.

    Your API document will be parsed with warnings and errors as you type. These errors will be displayed both in the editor header and on the lines where the warnings and errors exist.

    Preview your documentation in the editor: see code samples for interacting with your API, try out the mock server, or make calls to your production server through the console. The Apiary Editor enables you to try out your API design as you write it.

    Documentation: The interactive documentation contains two main columns: the human and machine columns. These two columns provide the separation that is important for reading the documentation and actually using tooling to interact with it.

    Inspector: Here you can see the exact data, down to HTTP level, and outline differences from API documentation, or even perform validations against your schema. If that doesn’t help, you can always receive a bug report with all the detailed data attached.

    Example of definition: apiary.io is perfect for the Cloudblue Ecosystem. The system integrators can create, mock and test the integrations before invest time and resources coding and developing integrations.

    You can see an example of the definition of a simple Vendor API referral to the provision of the service.

    FORMAT: 1A
    HOST: https://private-b77a0-vendorexample.apiary-mock.com
    # Vendor Api Example
    Vendor Connector implements the API for Vendor sample application
    ## Tenant [/tenant]
    Resources related to subscription API
    ### Create a new subscription [POST /tenant]
    + Request (application/json)
        + Attributes (object)
            +product (string)
                + item (string)
                + quantity (number)
                + limit (number)
            + account (object)
                + accountFirstName (string)
                + accountLastName (string)
                + accountCompany (string)
                + accountAddress (string)
                + accountCity (string)
                + accountState (string)
                + accountPostalCode (string)
                + accountCountry (string)
                + accountEmail (string)
                + accountPhone (string)
            + tier1 (object)
            + tier2 (object)
    + Response 201 (application/json)
                "tenantId": "1234567890",
                "externalId": "AS-9571-3418-5429",
                "productItemId": "Davis-and-Sons-sub446",
                "status": "pending"
    ### Get subscription [GET /tenant/{id}]
    + Request (application/json)
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "tenantId": "1234567890",
                "productItemId": "Davis-and-Sons-sub446",
                "externalId": "AS-9571-3418-5429",
                "status": "ready"
    ### Get subscription by external ID [GET /tenant?externalId={id}]
    + Request (application/json)
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "tenantId": "1234567890",
                "productItemId": "Davis-and-Sons-sub446",
                "externalId": "AS-1635-0609-2258",
                "status": "ready"
    ### Update subscription resource limits [PUT /tenant/{id}]
    + Request (application/json)
        + Attributes (object)
            + licences (object)
                + limit (number)
    + Response 200 (application/json)
    ### Delete subscription [DELETE /tenant/{id}]
    + Response 204 (application/json)
    ### Suspend subscription [PUT /tenant/{id}/disable]
    + Response 204 (application/json)
    ### Resume subscription [PUT /tenant/{id}/enable]
    + Response 204 (application/json)

    In this link you can see and test the definition of this example.

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