Subscription Statuses

Updated: May 4, 2022


    Subscription statuses (or states) represent particular stages in the subscription processing. Each subscription state is interconnected with an approved or rejected fulfillment request. Therefore, for example, an approved purchase request transfers an associated subscription to the Active state, while a rejected purchase request transfers it to the Terminated state.

    Each subscription state is schematically illustrated in the following diagram and described under corresponding header below.


    Once a customer purchases your product, the Connect platform generates a fulfillment request and a new subscription. The initial status of this subscription is Processing. This status indicates that Vendors are required to process the created subscription by approving or rejecting the associated fulfillment request. Furthermore, a new subscription is assigned to this state, the system sends your specified Pending Template to your customers or resellers.

    In case this fulfillment request is approved, Connect transfers this processing subscription to the Active state. Otherwise, the request if rejected, the platform assigns the Terminated status to this subscription.

    Note that it is not possible to delete or suspend processing subscriptions. The Connect platform ensures that all purchases are processed by Vendors.


    The Draft status represent an optional subscription state that is displayed in case a subscription is not validated. Therefore, a draft subscriptions and its associated draft request can be used for pre-provisioning validation.

    In case this subscription is validated successfully, the system transfers the subscription to the Processing state. Otherwise, this draft subscription and its associated draft request are deleted within the system.

    Enabled capability is required

    Note that this subscription status that is available in case the Dynamic Validation of the Draft Requests capability is enabled. Otherwise, the system generates a subscription in the Processing state and the validation procedure is unavailable.


    Once Vendors successfully approved a pending fulfillment request, its associated subscription is assigned to the Active status by the system. In this case, the system also sends your specified Subscription Approved Template to your customers or resellers.

    Therefore, active subscriptions on the Connect platform ensure that correct information is processed and your customers receive their purchased products. Furthermore, once a subscription is activated, it is possible to create a billing request on the platform.

    Note that customers could also change or cancel active subscriptions. In addition, active subscriptions might be suspended. Connect can also help Vendors track and process such requests and transfer corresponding subscriptions to the relevant states.


    In case a fulfillment request is created and approved by Vendors, the system transfers an active subscription to the Suspended state. Therefore, this active subscription will be put on hold; however, it can be reactivated once a resume request is created and approved by Vendor.

    Enabled capability is required

    Note that this status as applicable only if the Administrative Hold capability is enabled. In case this capability is disabled, it is not possible to create suspend or resume requests. Therefore, subscriptions cannot be be suspended or reactivated.


    Customers could also cancel created subscriptions. Cancelled subscription generates a cancel subscription request on the Connect platform. Thus, the system assigns the Terminating status to this subscription.

    Vendors are also required to approve this cancel request to terminate this cancelled subscription. Once Vendors approve this request, this subscription is assigned to the Terminated state.

    Therefore, Connect platform ensures that Distributors and Vendors are informed about each subscription cancellation and each cancellation is processed by Vendors.


    In case of an error, Vendors can reject a fulfillment request. Once a purchase request is rejected by Vendors, the system terminates a processing subscription and assigns corresponding state to it.

    Additionally, in case a customer cancels a subscription and Vendor approved a generated cancel request, the Connect platform also assigns the Terminated status to this subscription.

    As a result, the CloudBlue Connect platform helps its users process terminated subscriptions and prevent any issues with cancelled purchases.

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