Connect REST API

Updated: February 9, 2022


    Connect REST API provides you with the lowest-level access to the functionality of the Connect Platform. All other integration methods, like our Portals, SDKs and Extensions are built on top of the REST API layer as schematically illustrated below:

    Before building your integration directly with the REST API, please consider integrating using higher-level (and faster to build) options first. It might be simpler for you to work with Connect through one of our SDKs and Extensions.


    Connect REST APIs are available Vendors, Resellers, and Distributors as schematically illustrated by the following diagram:

    Authentication of all inbound API calls from Vendors, Resellers, and Distributors is performed using account-level tokens (see Tokens overview in the Extensions management module).

    All outbound communication from Connect to Vendors, Resellers, and Distributors is initiated from the special endpoint with optional firewall configuration.

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