

The AbstractHttpAdapter class allow a CloudBlue Connect SDK consumer
to wrap a preferred http client library and adapt requests and responses
to in order to work with this SDK.


The DefaultHttpAdapter is the default adapter used in the
CloudBlue Connect Javascript SDK based on the node-fetch http
client library.


The AbstractHttpAdapter class allow a CloudBlue Connect SDK consumer
to wrap a preferred http client library and adapt requests and responses
to in order to work with this SDK.

Kind: global class
Category: Base

new AbstractHttpAdapter(fetch)

Create a subclass of AbstractHttpAdapter

Param Type Description
fetch function the fetch function used to make the actual http call.

abstractHttpAdapter.beforeRequest ⇒ Array

Get or set a list of beforeRequest hook functions.

Kind: instance property of AbstractHttpAdapter
Returns: Array – Array of hooks.

DefaultHttpAdapter ⇐ AbstractHttpAdapter

The DefaultHttpAdapter is the default adapter used in the
CloudBlue Connect Javascript SDK based on the node-fetch http
client library.

Kind: global class
Extends: AbstractHttpAdapter
Category: Base

defaultHttpAdapter.beforeRequest ⇒ Array

Get or set a list of beforeRequest hook functions.

Kind: instance property of DefaultHttpAdapter
Overrides: beforeRequest
Returns: Array – Array of hooks.

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