Tier Config Interface

Updated: February 17, 2022

    The following describes provided user interface and provides available operations within the Tier Config module on the CloudBlue Connect platform.

    Tier Config Details

    Click on your tier configuration ID from the Directory tab to access the Tier Config Details screen.

    The Tier Config Details screen provides general tier configuration information, such as its Status, Config ID, associated Request in Progress, Tier account and its level, specified Product and Marketplace.

    Furthermore, this screen contains various data within the following tabs:

    • Control Panel: This tab displays a Tier Approved message once a tier request is fulfilled. Change this message via the Embedding section from your product profile page.
    • Parameters: Access this tab to view specified Ordering or Fulfillment parameters.
    • Details: This tab displays your associated Distributor/Vendor account and the connection ID. Furthermore, this tab provides business details, such as contract name, contract creation/update date and its ID.
    • Tiers: Examine your reseller information via this tab.
    • Requests: Access this tab to view associated tier requests and their details.
    • Subscriptions: This tab displays associated subscriptions and their details.

    Updating Tier Configuration

    In case a tier configuration is successfully activated, Tier Config Details allows creating update tier requests to change this configuration. Follow the steps below to create a tier configuration update request.

    Tier requests

    Access your created update tier request via the Requests tab of the Tiers Config module. Refer to the Tiers Requests documentation and learn how to approve or reject tier requests.

    Click the Update button from the Tier Config Details screen. Thus, the system will launch a tier config update wizard.

    Follow the wizard steps to successfully update your tier configuration.

    1. Overview

    Get familiar with the following tier configuration overview.

    Click the Next button to continue.

    2. Tier Parameters

    Fill out the following Tier Parameters form. Note that this form varies depending on your selected

    Click the Create Update Request button to create a corresponding tier request.

    3. Summary

    The system provides a summary that displays a tier account, tier configuration, tier requests.

    Click Close after reviewing this summary.

    Thus, your update tier request will be successfully created. This tier request can be approved or rejected by following guidelines below.

    Tier Request Details

    Click on your tier request ID from the Requests tab to access the Tier Request Details screen.

    The Tier Request Details screen displays general tier request data, such as its Status, Request ID, associated Tier Configuration, specified Product and Marketplace. This screen also contains Notes that display system messages and provides a communication model for Partners.

    Additionally, Tier Request Details provides various information within the following tabs:

    • Parameters: This tab contains specified Ordering or Fulfillment parameters. Vendors can specify parameters by using this tab. Note that Vendors can also inquire data of these parameters from Distributors.
    • Details: This tab indicates the Distributor/Vendor accounts and the connection ID. Furthermore, this tab provides business details, such as contract name, contract creation/update date and its ID.
    • Tiers: Examine your reseller information via this tab.
    • Request Chains: Use this tab to examine request chains and their details.
    • Configuration: Access specified configuration parameters and their details via this tab.

    Note that the Assignee field allows selecting an assignee for the following operations. In case assignee is not selected and this field displays Not Assigned, the system assigns an operator automatically.

    Approving Tier Requests

    Vendors can approve pending tier requests by accessing Tier Request Details. Follow the steps below to successfully approve a tier request and activate a tier configuration.

    1. Click the Approve button from the Tier Request Details screen.

    2. Select your Tier Approved activation template in the following form.

    3.. Click the Approve button to activate your tier request. Thus, the system will transfers this tier request to the Approved state.

    Note that the system will also switch the status of your tier configuration to Active.

    Rejecting Tier Requests

    In case of an unrecoverable error, Vendors or Distributors can reject a request from Tier Request Details. Follow the steps below to reject a tier request.


    Note that rejected tier requests cannot be restored. However, once a tier request is rejected, it is possible to update its associated tier configuration from the Tier Config Details screen.

    1. Click on the vertical ellipsis () icon from top right corner of the Tier Request Details screen.

    2. Click the appeared Reject button.

    3. Leave a failed request note and click the Apply button.

    Therefore, your tier request will be rejected and the system will transfer this request to the Failed state.

    Inquiring parameter data

    In case provided parameter data in a tier request is not valid, the system allows inquiring necessary information via Tier Request Details. Therefore, the system transfers your pending tier requests to the Inquiring state. Follow the steps below to inquire invalid parameter data.


    The Connect platform prompts to specify inquired parameter data via a specific form that can be obtained from a system email. Once a tier request is assigned to the Inquiring state, the system sends an email to provided tier contacts. Thus, this email contains a link that redirects to the required form.

    1. Click the Edit button next to your parameter from the Tier Request Details screen.

    2. Check the Require changes checkbox to enter your error message.

    Enter your message and click Save to continue.

    3. Click on the vertical ellipsis () icon from top right corner of the Tier Request Details screen. Thereafter, click the Inquire button.

    4. Click Ok to confirm your decision from the pop-up window.

    Therefore, the system will transfer your tier request to the Inquiring state and your Distributor will be asked to specify required parameter data. Note that once this data is specified, the system transfers your tier request to the Pending state.

    Tiers Setup state

    Note that T1-level requests could be assigned to the Tier Setup state. In case a required tier request is assigned to this state, its interconnected T2-level request should be located and processed by Vendors.

    Once your T2-level request is successfully approved, your tier request switches from the Tiers Setup state to the Pending status. Thereafter, the system enables Vendors to process required T1-level request.


    In case T2-level request is rejected, it is impossible to approve T1-level request. Therefore, it is necessary to create a tier configuration and tier requests once again. Note that the system also allows Vendors and Distributors to reject request in the Tier Setup state.

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