News Interface

Updated: June 24, 2022

    The following guidelines outline all available operations within the News module on the CloudBlue Connect platform. These guidelines contains various instructions, such as how to create posts and drafts, publish, edit, delete, unpublish your articles.

    Creating Post

    Create a post by accessing the provided post editor and save it as a draft as follows:

    1. Proceed to the News module on the Connect platform. Thereafter, click the Create Post button to launch the editor.
    2. Enter your post title, a subtitle and your post content by using the post editor.
    3. Once your post creation is finalized, save your draft by clicking the corresponding Save button on the user interface.

    Therefore, you will successfully create a new post and save it as a draft. The system will also assign and display your draft version. Note that you can select audience for your posts by using the Scope field, assign an author and specify your post publication date. Alternatively, you can publish your post manually as described below.

    Publishing Posts

    The system can publish your saved draft automatically in case publication date is specified within the Date field. Note that it is also possible to publish your post manually. Follow the steps below to publish your post.

    1. Access a post that should be published from the My Posts section of the News module. It is recommended to publish your posts via the post editor. However, you can also publish your posts from your draft preview.
    2. Note that you can specify your audience by using the Scope field and assign the post author via corresponding field on the post editor interface.
    3. Click the Publish button at the top-right corner of the screen to publish your post. In case you want to publish your draft from your draft preview, click on the vertical ellipsis () icon and then click Publish.

    Thus, your post will be successfully published. The system will also display the Published status for your post. Note that the Connect platform allows editing your published posts as described below.

    Editing Posts

    The Connect platform enables you to edit your drafts as well as your published posts. The following steps showcase how to edit your posts within the News module.

    1. Access a post that should be edited and click the Edit button.

    2. Provide required changes to your published post or your draft.

    Revert Changes

    Note that the system also allows users to revert unsaved changes by clicking on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon and then clicking the Revert button.

    3. Click Save at the top-right corner of the screen to save your changes.

    As a result, your post will be successfully edited. Furthermore, the system also displays your new post version on the post editor interface.

    Unpublishing Posts

    Connect users can unpublish their posts as described below. Note that unpublished posts cannot be published again.

    • Access your published article and click on the vertical ellipsis () icon. Thereafter, click the Unpublish button.
    • You can also unpublish your published article from the post editor. Click on the vertical ellipsis () icon from the editor interface and then click Unpublish.

    Therefore, your post will be successfully unpublished. The system will also display the Unpublished status for such posts.

    Deleting Posts

    In case it is required to remove an article, delete your posts described below. Note that the system allows removing your published and unpublished posts as well as your saved drafts.

    • Access your post or your draft and click on the vertical ellipsis () icon. Thereafter, click the Delete button.
    • You can also delete your article from the post editor. Click on the vertical ellipsis () icon from the editor interface and then click Delete.

    As a result, your post will be successfully removed. The system will also display the Deleted status for removed posts.

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