
Updated: November 7, 2022


    The following describes general product attributes, such as a product name, category, id, and description. Furthermore, note that presented general attributes are versioned and localized.

    The General section of your selected product profile page allows configuring the following attributes:


    This attribute represents a product name. The system prompts Vendors to select a name before creating a product object on the CloudBlue Connect platform.

    Immutable ID

    Immutable ID, as the name describes, is a product identification on the Connect platform. This ID is assigned by the system and it cannot be changed or edited for the entire life of the product object.


    This attribute represents a product category. The system also prompts Vendors to specify a category before creating a product object on the Connect platform. Provided categories vary from AI and Machine Learning to Office Productivity and Sales. Furthermore, note that your product will be displayed under specified category within the CloudBlue Catalog.

    Make sure that your product is always listed in the right category of products. In case your product categorized correctly, this can tremendously boost up your product visibility. In other words, your customers will be able to find without any issues on specified marketplaces and consequently buy it.

    The Logo attribute, as the name suggests, define your product logotype. It is recommended to use an image in the PNG format with transparent background.

    Short Description

    This attribute represents a brief description of your product. In general, it is used to describe a product’s value to Distributors and Resellers. Furthermore, this attribute may display main product features and problems the product solves.


    This attribute contains a description that usually introduces a product, explains its purpose and present details around features. In addition, this section usually describes how customers can benefit from product and provides technical information and other important product details. Note that provided description should support the markdown text formatting.

    Product Taxonomy

    In case Distributors define attributes, group of attributes, classes and categories by using the Product Information Management module on the Connect platform, Vendors can use the provided templates to specify required product taxonomy data. Your product specifications can be crucial for your product visibility within the selected marketplace.

    The system displays a specific warning icon and a corresponding notification next to your Distributor name in case product taxonomy configuration is required. Refer to the Taxonomy article for more details.

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