CloudBlue Connect represents a system that automates the relationship between Vendors, Distributors, Resellers, and customers. The presented integration examples are focused on the Vendor scenarios as summarized and highlighted in the following diagram:

Vendor represents an organization that develops cloud-based software solutions or any other software. Vendors can also represent manufacturers of physical goods, an organization that provides specific services, and so on. Vendors collaborate with Distributors to create a supply chain. The CloudBlue Connect provides a specific portal for Vendors (hence the name Vendor Portal) that streamlines and simplifies collaborations with Distributors. The following integration examples showcase how to automate various operations on the Connect platform:

The provided examples demonstrate integrations of an external system with the CloudBlue Connect platform. Each presented workflow is linked to functional APIs that are supported by is a hosted suite of tools that help companies build web APIs. It also features server mocking, code samples, automated testing, and GitHub synchronization. Therefore, the Apiary platform help Connect users understand how to automate various business flows.

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