
ConnectClient provides access to resouce endpoints of the Cloud Blue Connect Platform.

Kind: global class
Category: Base

new ConnectClient(endpoint, apiKey, adapter)

Creates a new instance of the Cloud Blue ConnectClient class.
Configures the beforeRequest hooks to inject the API key in the Authorizaton header
and prefixes the url with the API’s base url.

Returns: ConnectClient – An instance of the ConnectClient class.

Param Type Description
endpoint string The base URL for API access.
apiKey string The API key to authenticate with Connect.
adapter AbstractHttpAdapter An optional adapter.

connectClient.accounts : AccountResource

Returns an instance of the AccountResource class to access
the Account resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.assets : AssetResource

Returns an instance of the AssetResource class to access
the Asset resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.billingRequests : BillingRequestResource

Returns an instance of the BillingRequestResource class to access
the BillingRequest resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.conversations : ConversationResource

Returns an instance of the ConversationResource class to access
the Conversation resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.products : ProductResource

Returns an instance of the ProductResource class to access
the Product resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.requests : RequestResource

Returns an instance of the RequestResource class to access
the Request resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.hubs : HubResource

Returns an instance of the HubResource class to access
the Hub resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.recurringAssets : RecurringAssetResource

Returns an instance of the RecurringAssetResource class to access
the RecurringAsset resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.tierAccounts : TierAccountResource

Returns an instance of the TierAccountResource class to access
the TierAccount resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.tierAccountRequests : TierAccountRequestResource

Returns an instance of the TierAccountRequestResource class to access
the TierAccountRequest resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.tierConfigs : TierConfigResource

Returns an instance of the TierConfigResource class to access
the TierConfiguration resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.tierConfigRequests : TierConfigRequestResource

Returns an instance of the TierConfigRequestResource class to access
the TierConfigurationRequest resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.webhooks : WebhookResource

Returns an instance of the WebhookResource class to access
the Webhook resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.listingRequests : ListingRequestResource

Returns an instance of the ListingRequestResource class to access
the ListingRequest resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

connectClient.cases : CaseResource

Returns an instance of the CaseResource class to access
the HelpdesCase resource endpoint.

Kind: instance property of ConnectClient

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