Distribution Contracts

Updated: May 16, 2022


    Vendors and Distributors require distribution contracts to provision defined Products via specified marketplaces. Distribution contracts are associated with distribution agreements that should be also created and activated on the Connect platform. Vendors should enroll a distribution agreement to create and enroll a distribution contract. Thereafter, Distributors can aprove this contract or reject it. In case Distributors create Custom Forms, Vendors should provide required information before enrolling their contract. Furthermore, Distributors can refine provided data and transfer the pending contract back to the Enrolling state. Distributors can also terminate activated contracts. In case the Auto Accept option from the distribution agreement details screen is enabled, the state flow of distribution contracts is different. Namely, Vendors don’t need to enroll automatically generated distribution contracts and Distributors are not required to approve or reject these contracts. However, Distributors can still terminate the active contracts.

    Additional Information

    Please refer to the Partners Management module documentation for more information.

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