Fulfillment Request

Updated: May 16, 2022


    Fulfillment requests (also referred to as subscription requests) are generated in case your customer purchased a product that is defined on the Connect platform and listed within a specified marketplace. The Connect platform features different request types. For example, purchase requests are generated in case a new order is created, a cancel request is generated if a customer decides to cancel the order, change requests are created in case the number of purchased items is changed, and so on. Fulfillment requests help Vendors, Distributors and Resellers to consolidate order fulfillment workflow and relevant state of the subscription objects on the platform. Therefore, Connect users can systematize product arrangements, subscription changes and order cancellations and streamline communication with partners simply by approving or rejecting fulfillment request. Note that each approved or rejected fulfillment requests correlate with a particular subscription state. Thus, for instance, approving purchase requests activates subscriptions, while rejecting these requests terminates them. Furthermore, the CloudBlue Connect platform populates fulfillment requests with various provisioning data that can be essential for many businesses and collaborations.

    Additional Information

    Please refer to the Subscriptions Management Module documentation for more information on fulfillment requests.

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