

The AccountUserResource allow consumers of the CloudBlue Connect
API to access information about Users related to an account.


The AccountResource class provides methods to access the accounts
endpoint of the Cloud Blue Connect API.

AccountUserResource ⇐ GenericResource

The AccountUserResource allow consumers of the CloudBlue Connect
API to access information about Users related to an account.

Kind: global class
Extends: GenericResource
Category: Resources

AccountResource ⇐ GenericResource

The AccountResource class provides methods to access the accounts
endpoint of the Cloud Blue Connect API.

Kind: global class
Extends: GenericResource
Category: Resources

new AccountResource(client)

Creates a new instance of the AccountResource class.

Returns: AccountResource – An instance of the AccountResource class.

Param Type Description
client ConnectClient An instance of the ConnectClient class.

accountResource.users(id) ⇒ AccountUserResource

Returns an instance of the AccountUserResorce class.

Kind: instance method of AccountResource
Returns: AccountUserResource – An instance of AccountUserResource.

Param Type Description
id string The account unique identifier.
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