
Items are individual resources or units (such as a license or any other SKU) that customers order and pay for. Items also represent versioned and localized attributes of a product. The system enables Vendors to define Reservation items and Pay-As-You-Go items. Pay-As-You-Go items are used by Vendors to implement a system that based on the consumption or usage of a specified product rather than on a flat rate for Reservation items. Note that defining Pay-As-You-Go item requires to enable the corresponding capability first. Reservation and Pay-As-You-Go items share same states and transitions on the Connect platform. Once a new item is created, the system assigns the Draft status to it. In case a new product version with this item is created, the system transfers the item to the Published state. Thereafter, Vendors can assign the End of Sale status to their item. Note, however, that system enables Vendors to restore the Published status to such items.

Additional Information

Please refer to the Products Management module documentation for more details.

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