Class TierConfigRequestResource

Updated: March 10, 2021

    TierConfigRequestResource ⇐ GenericResource

    The TierConfigRequestResource class provides methods to access the TierConfigRequest
    endpoint of the Cloud Blue Connect API.

    Kind: global class
    Extends: GenericResource
    Category: Resources

    new TierConfigRequestResource(client)

    Creates a new instance of the TierConfigRequestResource class.

    Returns: TierConfigRequestResource – An instance of the TierConfigRequestResource class.

    Param Type Description
    client ConnectClient An instance of the ConnectClient class., reason)

    Changes the status of a TierConfigurationRequest to fail.

    Kind: instance method of TierConfigRequestResource

    Param Type Description
    id string The unique identifier of the TierConfigurationRequest object.
    reason string The reason for which the TierConfigurationRequest has been failed.


    Changes the status of a TierConfigurationRequest to inquire.

    Kind: instance method of TierConfigRequestResource

    Param Type Description
    id string The unique identifier of the TierConfigurationRequest object.


    Changes the status of a TierConfigurationRequest to pending.

    Kind: instance method of TierConfigRequestResource

    Param Type Description
    id string The unique identifier of the TierConfigurationRequest object.

    tierConfigRequestResource.approve(id, request) ⇒ object

    Change the status of a TierConfigurationRequest to approved.
    To change the status of the TierConfigurationRequest to approved
    you must provide a Template id.

    Kind: instance method of TierConfigRequestResource
    Returns: object – The rendered Template.

    Param Type Description
    id string The unique identifier of the TierConfigurationRequest object.
    request object The request body.


    // request body using a template id
      template: {
        id: 'TL-000-000-000'
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