Release Date: August 28, 2019

Product Catalog Module

Expand your inventory of offerings by discovering and adding new products to your distribution channel. Eligible products from ISVs in the worldwide Connect ecosystem are now listed in the Catalog module.

Directory Module 

Enjoy better performance and stability from the preview function with the improved standalone Preview module. The preview functionality will no longer be found within the Inventory module. It will be its own module that can be found from the home page or the dropdown menu on the top navigation. Assets (test and production) can also be managed here.

Form Management Module

Fulfill specific business operations requirements with the new Form Management module. It allows you to configure your own custom forms to collect additional data from vendors during contract enrollment and product listing.

Configuration-based parameters 

Parameters are now more flexible to fit a wider range of your vendors’ business and technical needs. In addition to defining parameters at the product level, vendors can now define parameters at the item and marketplace levels.

Test Contracts

Test different business and technical scenarios with the new Test type contract. This new type of contract will help providers quickly identify which scenarios are marked for testing, without having to interrupt their production content. This can be enabled when a new contract is generated from the Contracts module.

Other stability and functionality improvements

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