Release Date: July 27, 2024

This release brings new and enhanced features, better scalability, smoother workflows, and a richer user experience on Connect. 

1. CloudBlue Connect Platform

1.1 Leads Management

Connect now supports Leads through the brand new Leads Management module. This module allows Vendors to create Lead Forms that can be displayed or integrated with different marketplaces.

Vendors can choose from an assortment of different lead templates or customize a brand new Lead Form that is specific to their lead scoring and qualification requirements.

Leads can be viewed within the Connect Portal and can be sorted and filtered by Product, Marketplace, Distributor, and Status. Users can choose to act on the Lead within the Portal or send it to their CRM or ERP of choice via available API.

Read more about the Leads Module here.

1.2 Referral Product Type

Vendors can now create Referral model products. These products can be used in conjunction with Lead Forms to help create the relationship between a Lead and a Product. Referral products can be published much quicker than traditional Transactable products.

1.3 New Getting Started Workflows

Connect now supports Getting Started Workflows of the most common user scenarios and activities within the Portal. These workflows will allow users to identify the steps that are needed to help complete the actions desired, such as Creating a Referral Product. It will allow users to quickly see what step they are on, remaining steps, and any actions needed within the current step of the workflow.

The Platform will continuously update with additional Getting Started Workflows in future updates.

1.4 Google Cloud Marketplace Integration

Connect now supports integration with Google Cloud Marketplace. This brand new extension allows users to integrate the CloudBlue Connect portal with their Google Cloud Producer Portal.

The integration with allow Vendors to support their product listing on Google Cloud Marketplace and manage the entitlement/subscription and the marketplace requests all within the CloudBlue Connect Portal.

Find Out More about CloudBlue and Hyperscalers!

If you are a current CloudBlue Partner and would like to learn more about the Google Cloud Marketplace Integration, as well as Microsoft’s Azure & AppSource Marketplace and Amazon’s AWS Marketplace, please reach out to your CloudBlue Account Manager for more information.

1.5 Additional Filters and Filter Conditions

Users can now enjoy additional filters and filter conditions in all of our table views. These additional filters and filter conditions allows our users to better specify and narrow down the information they are seeking.

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