Distribution Agreements

Updated: June 24, 2022


    Distribution agreements define terms and conditions that Vendors must accept to supply their products through specified Marketplaces. For each marketplace that a Distributor wants to use, it is necessary to create and enroll a distribution agreement on the CloudBlue Connect platform.

    Program Agreement is required

    Note that distribution agreements are created within a certain Program Agreement. Thus, before following the guidelines below, it is necessary to create at least one program agreement.

    The following diagram schematically illustrates the distribution agreement data model:

    A program agreement can contain several distribution agreements. However, a distribution agreement is interconnected with a certain program agreement, a concrete Vendor and a specific marketplace.

    In general, Distributors require individual distribution agreements for each Vendor. For instance, physical goods and consulting services can be provisioned via the same marketplace. In this case the distribution agreement for the physical goods Vendor should be drastically different from the consulting services Vendor’s agreement. Therefore, the Connect platform enables Distributors that have a variety of products to provide individual terms of access to their Marketplace.

    Distributor Portal

    Creating Distribution Agreements

    Before creating a distribution agreement, Distributors must ensure that at least one Program Agreement on the CloudBlue Connect platform. In addition, at least one Marketplace should be specified and interconnected with Distributor’s Hub.


    Distribution agreements can be generated along with a program agreement during your Partner account creation via the Directory tab from the Partners module. Refer to the Partners module documentation for more details.

    Distribution agreements are generated within your created program agreement. Follow the steps below to successfully create a new distribution agreement.

    1. Access your program agreement

    Click on your program agreement name from the Agreements tab to access your program agreement details screen.

    2. Switch to Distribution Agreements

    Access the Distribution Agreements tab and start configuring your agreement by clicking Add Distribution Agreement.

    3. Specify agreement attributes

    Fill out the following agreement form:

    • Name: Enter a name for your agreement.
    • Description: Provide a description for your agreement.
    • Marketplace: Select a marketplace that your agreement should be associated with.
    • Document source: Select External Document to provide a link to your agreement document or choose Uploaded File to upload a document file (in the PDF format). Otherwise, select None to show your Partner only the text from the description field.
    • Activate version: Activate your agreement version by checking this checkbox. In case this checkbox is left unchecked, your agreement version can be specified and activated from the agreement details screen.

    Click the Create button to finalize your agreement creation.

    Therefore, your generated distribution agreement will be displayed on the Agreements tab within your program agreement and under Distribution Agreements within the program agreement details screen.

    You can review your created agreement details by clicking on the agreement name. Furthermore, you can edit your distribution agreement by clicking the corresponding edit icon.

    Auto Accept

    Note that the system enables the Auto-Accept option by default. If this option is enabled, the system activates your distribution agreement automatically once your Vendor activates a Program Contract. Furthermore, in this case, the system automatically generates and activates a distribution contract. If this option left disabled, Vendors need to manually enroll a distribution agreement and Distributors are required to approve this contract to activate an agreement. Refer to the Distribution Contracts documentation and learn how to activate enrolled distribution contracts.

    Updating Distribution Agreements

    Distributors can revise or manage distribution agreements by creating and activating agreement versions. Create a new version for your distribution agreement by following the steps below.

    1. Access distribution agreement details

    Click on your distribution agreement name from the Agreements tab to access the distribution agreement details screen.

    Alternatively, click on your distribution agreement name under Distribution Agreements from the program agreement details.

    2. Add a version

    Click the Add Version button from the distribution agreement details screen.

    3. Specify new attributes

    Fill out the following agreement version form:

    • Document source: Select External Document to provide a link to your agreement document or choose Uploaded File to upload a document file (in the PDF format). Otherwise, select None to show your Partner only the text from the description field.
    • Activate version: Activate your agreement version by checking this checkbox.

    Click the Add button to finalize your version creation.

    Therefore, your created version will be displayed under History. Note if the Activate version checkbox is checked, your agreement version is activated automatically. In case this checkbox is left unchecked, click the Activate button to manually activate selected version.

    By activating a new version, the system notifies Vendors that enrolled distribution contracts associated with this agreement about this new version. These Vendors can sign your updated distribution agreement as described in Accepting Agreement Updates.

    Attaching Forms

    Distributors can attach a custom form to a created distribution agreement. Once a specific custom form is attached, Vendors should provide additional information before enrolling a distribution contract and before submitting a listing request.

    Click the Edit button next to Attached Forms and select your Product form, Agreement form, or Item form.

    Refer to the Forms module documentation for more information about custom forms.

    Vendor Portal

    Enrolling Distribution Agreements

    In case the Auto Accept option is disabled, Vendors need to manually enroll their distribution agreement. Once a distribution agreement is enrolled, the system generates a distribution contract that should be then approved by Distributors. By approving distribution contracts, Distributors also activate their associated distribution agreements.

    Refer to the Distribution Contracts documentation and learn how to enroll distribution contracts.

    Accepting Agreement Updates

    Once a Vendor receives a notification about a new distribution agreement version, this Vendor can sign and activate the updated distribution agreement. Follow the steps below to successfully update your distribution agreement.

    1. Access your Agreements

    Navigate to the Partners module and proceed to the Agreements tab

    2. Locate your updated distribution agreement

    Locate a new version of your distribution agreement and click the Sign action button.

    Alternatively, access your agreement details screen by clicking on your distribution agreement name and click Sign next to a new agreement version.

    3. Sign the new version

    Review the provided document and check the I have read and accepted the agreement checkbox.

    Click Sign to sign and activate your updated agreement.

    Therefore, the system will mark your new activated distribution agreement with the Active tag.

    Note that your Distribution Contract will be also associated with your new distribution agreement version.

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