
Updated: November 8, 2022


    Media attributes consist of images and videos describing the product. Product images or videos may be your key to attract new customers and increase your sales.

    In addition, uploaded images and added videos are also used as the product media content within the Catalog module of the CloudBlue Connect platform.


    The first uploaded media content in this section serves as your main product image, meaning that it is used as a thumbnail image within the system.

    Note that the media product attributes are versioned and localized.

    Uploading Images

    The Connect platform allows uploading images in various formats. However, note that your image will be rendered with the 16:9 (widescreen) aspect ratio.

    Access the Media section, click the add button and select the Image media type to upload a new image.

    Upload your image, specify your image name and enter its description. Your provided image name will be only visible to Vendors, while your image description will be presented under your image in fullscreen view.

    Thereafter, click Save to save your uploaded image file.

    Adding Videos

    The Connect platform also enables Vendors to provide links to product videos. Note, however, that only Youtube and Vimeo links are supported.

    Access the Media section, click the add button and select the Video media type to add a new video.

    Paste your Youtube or Vimeo link within the URL field and upload your video thumbnail image. This thumbnail image will be rendered with the 16:9 ratio.

    In addition, you can specify your video name and enter its description. Your provided video name will be only visible to Vendors, while your video description will be presented under your video in fullscreen view.

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